Kiran Girls Scholarship Program 2024-25

Please keep check on this website and Your Mail regularly after you submit application.

After you fill the form, it will be shortlisted as per criteria and based on that you will receive mail about Aptitude test. Please write your mail ID correctly and keep it same throughout the process.

    8,00,000 or less than 8,00,000 to be accepted. Income proof to be provided at the time of interview

    For best results, upload *.jpg/*.jpeg/*.png format files only (File size should be < 1MB)

    Colleges should be strictly from Pune district, Nagpur district, Indore city, Hyderabad city, Bengaluru city and Goa State

    Max Limit: 1000

    Max Limit: 1000

    85% or above to be accepted

    60 or above to be accepted. Photo copy of marksheet to be provided at the time of interview

    70% or above to be accepted. Photo copy of marksheet to be provided at the time of interview